I’m in Sociology at Lancaster University, UK. I currently co-direct the Centre for Science Studies with Lucy Suchman. I teach media and cultural studies, science studies and some quantitative methods. My university web profile is here.
Research interests
My research concerns science, technology, power and experience. It combines science studies, media studies, sociology of knowledge and technology and social and cultural theory. My research explores the intersections between power, knowledge, science, technology and everyday life. It considers how operational, discursive, aesthetic, political and affective dimensions of devices and scientific fields come together.
To do that, I make use of a variety of methods, including media phenomenology, discourse analysis (Foucault), ethnography, interdisciplinary collaborations (with statisticians, computer scientists, genomic scientists, artists and designers) and more recently, computational methods. After quite a few years working as a social researcher and theorist of digital technology (working on a range of topics from computational theory, network infrastructures, visualization, interfaces), I have deep ambivalences around the digital.
My research draws on backgrounds in European philosophy (social theory, political theory, aesthetic theory, philosophies of history), social and cultural theory (mostly on the Deleuzean side of things, but also paying close attention to recent sociological theory), science and technology studies (very important for empirical emphases), and media and cultural studies (for its insistence on a democratic account of cultural-media environments).